Re: Proposal of recreation of some parts of old C
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Posted by mcgiwer from ( on Sunday, December 06, 2020 at 1:28PM :
In Reply to: Re: Proposal of recreation of some parts of old C posted by anomaly from (localhost) on Friday, November 13, 2020 at 4:26PM :
Lieutenant mcgiwer: what parts did you have in mind?
I still have access to some parts of old CyberArmy website and I thought about adding them to the actual one to restore as much of it as possible.
If I would get (with permission) entrusted with some information's with could help me in it then my work would be easier and I can attempt to restore things, but to that, I need to cooporate with those who had higher rank (higher rank then better. Preferred officer rank's) then me on the old CA website to make it work more efficient
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26 Jan 2020:Zebulun 8 |
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