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Re: Proposal of recreation of some parts of old C

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Posted by mcgiwer from via proxy user-5-173-225-99.play-internet.pl ( on Friday, July 07, 2023 at 9:16PM :

In Reply to: Re: Proposal of recreation of some parts of old C posted by mcgiwer from user-94-254-176-164.play-internet.pl ( on Monday, December 07, 2020 at 9:52AM :

Lieutenant mcgiwer

Sorry for not messaging for so long, but life had keept me very busy and thru some time my personal situation got very bad (plus I did't had internet for about 3 years).

I hope I could find some time to get some of the data I get able to access for you.

If you want to Discord me, my ID is: mcgiwer#5324

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26 Jan 2020:Zebulun 8
We are pleased to announce that the Zebulun 8 challenge is back online.

- By Mar. kombat

20 Oct 2019:Site Active Again
Anomaly fixed the login code, enjoy!

- By Mar. n3cro

13 Dec 2005:enjoy!
I hereby endorse this product and/or service. good work guys.

- By CinC. pengo

22 Nov 2005:Challenges
Challenges now work - Kernel (and probably General too, but untested).

- By Ker. anomaly

quote of the minute:

Permanent Firmware Anomoly

mission (red division):

The recent mission was aborted by Marshal anomaly due to illegality. You should propose or vote on a new mission. Until then, visit the rain forest site and click to save a small piece of rainforst (its free).

(mission completed 48 times)
NB: red division has the primary task of prosecuting this mission. but any cyberarmy soldiers are free to complete this mission, and also vote on future missions.
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