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Cyberarmy Archive - General Call Out 2024

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Posted by terminalaccess IP withheld on Friday, April 12, 2024 at 5:49PM :

Kernel terminalaccess

Hey everyone,

As I am sure a few of you know I have been keeping an Archive of all things, found and recovered Cyberarmy related.

This is a general call out to any one out there that may have old backups, code revisions, old brigade sites even old graphics, psd's or anything in genral that pretain's to cyberarmy in someway.

I am looking for anything relating to the following two sites
cyberarmy.com (Pre and post rank split)
cyberarmy.net (Any Dinah revisions or even in an ideal work a complete git repo)

This also includes any off site brigade backups you may have.
I have set up some space with Mega.nz and you can directly upload to the archive using the link below.

Thanks again to anyone over the years that have donated content, and thank you to you also if your going to donater content, it's all greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards
Lee aka TerminalAccess

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intel panel    
26 Jan 2020:Zebulun 8
We are pleased to announce that the Zebulun 8 challenge is back online.

- By Mar. kombat

20 Oct 2019:Site Active Again
Anomaly fixed the login code, enjoy!

- By Mar. n3cro

13 Dec 2005:enjoy!
I hereby endorse this product and/or service. good work guys.

- By CinC. pengo

22 Nov 2005:Challenges
Challenges now work - Kernel (and probably General too, but untested).

- By Ker. anomaly

quote of the minute:

Asynchronous Installation Interrupt

mission (red division):

The recent mission was aborted by Marshal anomaly due to illegality. You should propose or vote on a new mission. Until then, visit the rain forest site and click to save a small piece of rainforst (its free).

(mission completed 48 times)
NB: red division has the primary task of prosecuting this mission. but any cyberarmy soldiers are free to complete this mission, and also vote on future missions.
Poll: "What do you like about ca-zeb.com?" (Gen. reeferman)
The challenges 1 or 1%
the Challenges 15 or 21%
reeferman 26 or 37%
   Previous Polls 
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